Hey girls! Today I'm going to tell you myths and facts about beauty! I know its a simple blog, but as soon as I get a camera (and figure out how to use it) I'll be posting reviews and tutorials.
1.) Chocolate makes you break out.
So what do you think? Myth or real?
Chocolate wont break you out! But remember a bad diet can show on your skin, so try to eat healthy
2.) Waxing or shaving can make hair grow back thicker
oh this is a hard one...
when hair grows back in after waxing/shaving, the hair is a bit shorter than normal, therefore seeming thicker than long hair
3.) Sharing Makeup spreads germs
As tempting as it is to try your friends lipstick... makeup picks up too many germs!
4.) Cleansers can make your pores shrink
Pore size is genetic... sadly no matter how expensive or fancy the product seems... all it can do it make them less noticeable
5.) Painting your nails repeatedly with dark polish will grow them in yellow
Despite how pretty... let your cuticles breath or they'll turn yellow!
Want more to test your skills... Try these quizzes for beauty and health!:
Email Me: Sweetheartbeauty312@gmail.com
Or subscibe to Sweetheartbeauty312 on youtube!
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